The department of historiography and source study was created in the History faculty according to the decision of the Academic council of the Vasil Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in November, 2000. The necessity of this was caused by the growth of the importance of the special branches of historical knowledge. The existence of necessary personnel potential became a major reason for opening of department. Concentration of the scientific and institutional capacity in one department positively affected the increase of the methodical and theoretical level of teaching historiography, source study, special historical disciplines, specialized and selective training courses, and also promoted increase of level of preparation of the corresponding educational and methodical literature and improvement of the scientific work of teachers and students in this direction. Today the department works in the following structure:
Marushchenko O. V. – the Head of the department, the candidate of historical sciences, the associate professor, Dovgan Yu.L. – The candidate of historical sciences, the associate professor, Stefanyk G.V. – the Candidate of historical sciences, the associate professor, Kindrachuk N. M. – the Candidate of historical sciences, the associate professor, Shologon L.I. – Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, Mikityuk G. K. – Senior laboratory assistant of department. The doctor of historical sciences, professor Savchuk B. P. who was the head of department of historiography and source study in 2000 – 2005 worked there; the doctor of historical sciences, professor, the director of Institute of Tourism of the Precarpathian National University Velikochy V. S., the doctor of political sciences, professor, the head of the department of humanitarian policy of the Ivano-Frankovsk regional state administration Derevyanko S.N., the candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor, the dean of faculty of physical training and sport of Vasil Stefanyk Precarpathian National University H.H. Soya, associate professors Kroytor V. K., M. I. Pankiv, Kochkin I.T worked at the department at different times also.